Weak Hand financial definition of Weak Hand
It also eases the compression of the nerves inside the tunnel. The long-term prognosis for mild cases is usually a near-full recovery within the first six months. Patients who have long-standing or severe symptoms may require a longer period of time and may not get back a hundred percent of their function that they had […]
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Weak Hands and Feeble Knees by C H. Spurgeon
A second antibody—called the anti-MuSK antibody—has been found in about half of individuals with myasthenia gravis who do not have acetylcholine receptor antibodies. However, in some individuals with myasthenia gravis, neither of these antibodies is present. These individuals are said to have seronegative myasthenia. Although myasthenia gravis is rarely seen in infants, the fetus may […]